Finally, a signal

Hello out there in television land.

Jim Rhodes here – I hope you’re all still safe.  I hope some of you out there still have internet access.  It’s been increasingly difficult for me to find any signals besides ham radios.

I’m not alone, obviously there is a lot to update you on…but we’re on the road right now.  Home is still the hotel, right now we’re out scavenging. Out of no where Bill’s iPhone started receiving text messages. I gave up looking for signals weeks ago…I don’t even carry my phone on me anymore.

For now, just in case you’re local I’ll list the names of the surviors with me in case you know them.

Bill Alcott and his daughter Penny.

Michael Graves

Adam Jaworski (I’m not sure if that is spelled correctly)

We still have plenty of room at the inn so to speak, if you can get to the Days Inn in Hillsboro, Ohio we have food and we can offer protection.

We are on Harry Sauner Road, 500 Ft west of North High Street (Route 62). Hillsboro is 60 miles South of Columbus and 50 miles East of Cincinnati.  If you’re coming try to signal us so we can sure you don’t get swarmed at our gates.

Happy to be heard again,


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8 Comments on “Finally, a signal”

  1. Twitch Says:

    You know, it’s kind of funny…here we are, fighting a war against those that used to be our friends, family, and lovers. We struggle every day to find food, find shelter, and find connections to those few of us remaining.

    And yet, the work of some basement-dwelling troglodytes continues to do its damage.

    A computer virus of unknown origin just wiped out the entire lot of computers here on campus. We managed to track down some recovery disks, but this was nothing our previous IT people had ever expected to happen. Lose one or two machines? Of course, but to loose the whole kit and caboodle?

    We’ve done better in our pursuit of taking the fight to the enemy than I’d expected. We’ve lost a few comrades here and there, and found a few new.

    News from the islands is that they have a new load of fish for us to collect, and they’ve spotted a large vessel on the horizon. Perhaps this weekend some of us will meet up with some of them and take a boat out to investigate. Maybe we can use it to relocate to the Azores. I think if we can take those islands back from the infected, we have a good chance to start taking back other places.

  2. J.P. Says:

    Hey buddy it’s good to see that your still alive I was beginning to lose hope keep writing and fight the good fight

  3. Tom Brown Says:

    I’ve got a bloody axe and a bloody car, I’ll be there in about 3 hours, I’m 16 and bad at math, I have 2 boxes of water bottles and i hope there is room for one more!

  4. Tom Brown Says:

    crap its hard to get down some of these roads, 1 more day. I was held up earlier.

  5. Seth398 Says:

    I’ve nearly lost hope. I’m serious, I’m dog gone fed up with all of it. This blog was the only thing keeping me sane, locked up alone in a one bed room apartment I escaped too. I have no food, and barely any water. I’ve sent emails to all of my friends, but no one seemed to respond. The guy here before me, seemed to love workoing out. He has workout charts, schedules, and things all over the wall. I have to look on the bright side. I can stay here and get stronger, but without food, I’ll die. The whole Apartment Complex is swarmed with the dead, or undead…. I could use a gun right now, but the guy who lived here doesn’t have one. He must’ve fought robbers off with his fists. It was today when I remembered this blog. I forgot about it 3 months ago, and my internet connection kept erasing memory, so I had no clue, what the address was. I checked my email today, and what a suprising image. I had an email from here talking about updates. Man, I’m so lucky. Well for now. Wish me luck and tomorrow I’m getting food or something. I’m starving….. I just heard something…. Gotta check it out….. I will update later. Maybe…..

  6. Bear Says:

    im so glad i found this… being stuck here with these assholes is killing me!!! me, my friend and some other dude stumbled upon a prison. some fucked up shit happened here. its just us and a handfull of inmates. we do however have plenty of food and a well stocked armoury. if your in florida, theres a state pen about an hour from dothan alabama, near graceville. turn left at the piggly wiggly (cant miss it if your in graceville) and keep going till you see it.

  7. Jeff Says:

    Jim, it’s been months since your last update and I’m legitimately worried.

    I only recently discovered your blog because for whatever reason, the internet is still up and running in this new town I’ve settled in, so I’ve been totally out of the loop since this shitstorm began.

    It’s been a harrowing, what has it been, nearly a year? But reading your entries, knowing that there are fellow survivors out there…

    I dunno man, it just gave me hope. And right now, my hope is that you’re alright and surviving, if not thriving. I might have to start documenting my own experiences at this point, just to sort of mirror the hope you gave me. Your experiences have given me hope that maybe I can survive, so maybe my own experiences can likewise help someone else.

    I feel like I know you by this point man, along with some of the other survivors like Twitch. In the midst of this horrific situation, we all need to stick together.

    My thoughts are with you guys.

  8. spencer Says:

    hello my name is spencer young hopefully there is some one alive to read this i was 14 when all of this started i survived only because thats my specailty i studied survival befor the end i live in sparta tennessee a small town i lead a big group of survivors we have baricated the whole town (its a small town) i may only be 16 but i am a strong leader if any one needs food shelter supplies company we are here and we are alive
    thanks and good luck to you all

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